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Emerging Security Threats Against 4G LTE Cellular Network- VoLTE as A Case Study and Beyond

Post Time:2015-12-24 17:02  Clink Times:

TitleEmerging Security Threats Against 4G LTE Cellular Network- VoLTE as A Case Study and Beyond

SpeakerProf. Chunyi Peng

TimeDecember 28th,2015 (Monday) 9:00-11:00 AM

LocationNew Research Building Room 610



We are in the Mobile era. Cellular network has undoubtedly acted as one most critical network infrastructure for almost everyone and every mobile device on the globe. Clearly, its security is vital to both operators and users. Today's talk is about emerging security threats in operational 4G LTE network.


In this talk, I would like to start with our recent research on VoLTE security as one case study and then investigate emerging threats, as well as their roots in the network architectural evolution. Specificially, I will first show how VoLTE is evolved and developed in 4G LTE network; Second, I will show two vulnerabilities in these seemingly reasonable design and demonstrate how they expose mobile operators and users to real attacks: free data access, overbilling, data DoS, voice DoS, to name a few. Last but not least, we explore the root causes and discuss the lessons and insights for 4G network security. Unfortunately, we uncover that while new techniques or architectural evolutions are proposed to achieve new functionalities or better experience, they also bring likely-unanticipated side-effects which expose the network under attacks.


Prof. Chunyi Peng Bio

Chunyi Peng is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University. She received her Ph.D in Computer Science at University of California, Los Angeles in 2013. Prior to UCLA, she had worked as an associate/assistant researcher in the Wireless and Networking Group at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) between 2005 and 2009. Her research interests are in the broad areas of mobile networking, system and security, with a focus on 3G/4G mobile networks and future mobile networks, mobile sensing systems, wireless networking, and network security.



December 24th,2015