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Broadband Network Research Center (BNRC) began to focus on the basic theories and application technologies of Internet from 1990’s. BNRC is the national 211 project supporting organization on Internet performance and QoS (Quality of Service). BNRC has 15 faculty fellows, including 2 Ph.D. supervisor and 13 Master Degree supervisor. There are over 200 graduate students, including Ph.D. candidates and master students.

Currently, BNRC conducts a variety of research fields ranging from theory exploration to  technology and application improvement of broadband network as well as wireless and mobile network, including Innovation Network Architectures and Applications, WLAN, Ad Hoc networks, sensor network; mobility management theory in ubiquitous and heterogeneous network, as well as cloud computing and data center network, server and network virtualization, big data mining and heterogeneous information network analysis, information- centric network and efficient information dissemination.


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