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List of International Standards of SKL-NST


Number Standards' Number Standards' Name Time
1 ITU-T M.3208.3 TMN management Service For Dedicated and Reconfigurable Circuits Network: Virtual Private Network Service 2000
2 ITU-T M.3208.3 Information Model for Management of Virtual Private Network Service 2001
3 ITU-T X.781 Requirements and Guidelines for Implementation Conformance Statements Proformas Associated with CORBA-Based Systems 2002
4 ITU-T M.3017 Framework for the Integrated Management of Hybrid Circuit/Packet Networks 2003
5 ITU-T M.3031 Guidelines for Implementation Conformance Statement Proformas for tML Schemas 2004
6 ITU-T Q.838.1 Requirements and Analysis for the Management Interface of Ethernet Passive Optical Networks 2004
7 ITU-T Q.827.1 Requirements and Analysis for the Common Management Functions of NMS-EMS Interfaces 2004
8 ITU-T M.3342 Guidelines for the Definition of SLA Representation Template 2006
9 ITU-T O.220 Framework for the End-to-End QoS measurement and supervision for leased circuit services 2007
10 ITU-T E.412.1 The assessment for the running status of transport networks 2007
11 ITU-T Rec. M.3160 Generic Management Information Model – Protocol Neutral 2008
12 ITU-R M.2135-1 Guidelines for Evaluation of Radio Interface Technologies for IMT-Advanced 2009
13 ITU-T M.3702 Common management services – Notification Management – Requirements and analysis – Protocol Neutral 2010
14 ITU-T M.3704 Common management services – Performance Management – Requirements and analysis – Protocol Neutral 2010
15 ITU-R M. 2242 Cognitive Radio Systems Specific for International Mobile Telecommunications Systems 2011
16 ITU-R M. 2225 Introduction to Cognitive Radio Systems in the Land Mobile Service 2011
17 ITU-T M.1402 Formalization of data for service management 2012-5-1
18 ITU-T Q.818 Web-Services based Management Services 2012-5-1
19 ITU-T X.782 Guidelines for defining Web-services for managed objects and management interfaces 2012-5-1
20 ITU-T M.3706 Common management service – Test management – Protocol neutral requirements & analysis 2013
21 Y.2253 Streaming Service over Multi-connection 2013
22 Y.2254 Capabilities of multi-connection to support enhanced Multimedia Telephony (eMMTel) services 2013