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Named Data Networking (NDN): Architecture and Recent Progress

Post Time:2015-06-22 16:56  Clink Times:

TitleNamed Data Networking (NDN): Architecture and Recent Progress

SpeakerAssociate Prof. Beichuan Zhang(Computer Science Department, the University of Arizona, USA)

HostAssociate Prof. Xiuquan Qiao

TimeJune 26th,2015 (Friday) 3:00-5:00 PM

LocationNew Research Building Room 610



Named Data Networking (NDN) is a future Internet architecture that replaces today's focus on "where" -- addresses and hosts-- with "what" -- contents that users and applications care about. This change creates an abundance of new opportunities in content distribution, network resiliency, mobility support, and security, as well as bringing up interesting research challenges.

In this talk I will introduce the basic concepts and operations of NDN, and review recent progresses on various fronts.


Associate Prof. Beichuan Zhang Bio

Dr. Beichuan Zhang is currently an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department, the University of Arizona, USA. He has been working on information-centric networking, green networking, internet routing, and content distribution. Dr. Zhang was a recipient of the first Applied Networking Research Prize in 2011 awarded by the Internet Society and the Internet Research Task Forces for his research into "green traffic engineering". His work also received the best paper awards at the International Symposium on Quality of Service (2014) and the International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (2005).

Dr. Zhang received his Ph.D. from UCLA (2003) and B.S. from Peking University (1995).



June 22nd,2015