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Yunjie Liu
Professor,Doctoral Tutor
CAE Academician
Research Interests:Future Network


Professor Yunjie Liu, CAE Academician, is the Dean of School of Information Communication Engineering in BUPT. He is one of the pioneers of Data Networks, Internet, Future Internet and Network Convergence research in China.

Professor Liu has led many national key research projects, and made a number of achievements of national significance. He directed the design, construction and operation of the Chinese Public Data Networks, the Chinese Internet, and the next generation broadband networks. These developments laid solid foundations for the Internet evolution in China. Professor Liu has also led the development and operation of China Unicom’s Unified Multiservice Platform (UMP), which provides multiple telecommunication services, including data, voice and video, in a single unified network platform. Professor Liu provided solutions to the technical problems that quality of service in IP networks cannot be controlled. The UMP represents a significant step toward the creation of the next generation Internet. This achievement won the first price of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2005.

Since 2007, professor Liu has engaged in research on the key technologies for the future Internet and led the project “Research on the Architectures and Mechanisms for Service-Oriented Internet” funded by the Program 973. Some of his achievements have been applied by service providers in telecommunication, television and broadcasting networks, achieving remarkable benefits.

As a pioneer of CHINANET, Prof. Liu was recognized as one of the fathers of the Internet in China. He was elected China’s Person of the Year in the Internet field in 2014. His outstanding accomplishments also placed him in Time’s Top Fifty Cyber Elites list in the world information technology field in 1998.