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The Network Security Research Center (NSRC), for long-term commitment to the theory and application of cryptography and network security, has made a series of important achievements in the theory of cryptography research, quantum cryptographic protocols and quantum information theory, and security in industrial control system, Internet of things, cloud computing and mobile Internet. Since 2002, NSRC firstly started the in-depth study of quantum cryptographic protocol analysis from the perspective of cryptography, proposed a number of quantum cryptanalysis models, broke a variety of well-known international protocols. Since 2006, NSRC started the study of security in industrial control system, developed a set of complete defense-in-depth solutions of industrial control systems, including safety testing, safety monitoring, protection system and so on. NSRC developed the terminal security system and solution which applied to mobile enterprise applications successfully, and the mobile network security vulnerabilities exploiting and test bed which found a large number of security vulnerabilities in the existing network.

Currently, there are 7 faculty members in NSRC, including 2 professors, 2 associate professors and 3 lecturers. NSRC also has 6 part-time professors. 4 members are Ph. D. supervisors and 8 are master’s supervisors. More than 90 Ph. D. candidates and master candidates are studying in NSRC.

Director: Professor Gao Fei. Vice Director & Secretary: Associate Professor Zhang Hua.


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