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Research Award List of SKL-NST

National Research Awards:

Year Award Project
1999 The 3rd Prize of The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award. CIN02 Advanced Intelligent Network System.
2001 The 2nd Prize of The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award Complete Set of Technology and Systems of Network Management Design and Testing
2004 The 2nd Prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award Requirements and Guidelines for Implementation Conformance Statements Proformas Associated with CORBA-based Systems
2004 The 2nd Prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award Research and Development on China 3G Mobile Communication System
2005 The 2nd Prize of The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award Mobile Intelligent Network Technology
2009 The 2nd Prize of The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award Network Intelligence Technology and Applications for Mobile Communications Value-added Service
2011 The 2nd Prize of The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award Key Technology and Application of Convergence Service Supporting Environment
2013 The 2nd Prize of The State Technology Invention Award New Technology for Heterogeneous Wireless Networking under Non-uniform Information Density Distribution
2016 The Special Prize of The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award The Key Technology and Application of the 4G Mobile Communication System(TD-LTE)