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State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology (SKLNST) Academic Committee in 2015 and Work Evaluation Meeting was Successfully Held

Post Time:2016-01-29 15:05  Clink Times:

On Jan 28th, 2016, State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology (SKLNST) Academic Committee and work evaluation meeting was held in meeting room 610, new research building in BUPT. At the meeting, the honorary Director of the Academic Committee of Laboratories Chen Junliang, Academician Yu Quan, deputy Director, Prof. Meng Luoming, members including Academician Cai Jiren , Academician Chen Zhiji, Academician Lu Jianhua, Prof. Zhang Ping, Vice President Chen Shanzhi, Prof. Long Keping, and BUPT Research Institute Director Wang Yan, Mr. Jin Duowei, also Deputy Director Prof. Su Sen, Prof. Qiu Xuesong, Prof. Liu Baoling, and Laboratory Center directors, a total of 24 people.

First of all, Deputy President Ren Xiaomin expressed welcome and gratefulness to the Academic Committee on behalf of BUPT. Subsequently, the laboratory director Zhang Ping delivered a comprehensive report of the laboratory for 2015 years of work, from scientific research, talent training, open exchanges, and scientific research equipment. At the same time, he also reported the problems faced by the lab, and the next steps to be carried out, and brought to the Academic Committee to discuss the above situation, solicit comments and suggestions. Prof. Su Sen, deputy director of the lab, reported on the work of open laboratory subjects. Then, Associate Prof. Xu Changqiao and Prof. Gao Fei on behalf of the lab reported 2015 years of important research progress, the participants in the two teachers on the report and put forward a lot of insights.

Finally, the Director of the Academic committee, Academician Yu Quan, presided over the work report of the lab and proposed the future development of the lab. Members of the laboratory characteristics of the advantages, the future focus of development direction, the introduction of high-end talent and other aspects of active advice, and the laboratory positioning a lot of valuable suggestions.

This meeting is of great significance for the lab to highlight the traditional advantages of the lab, and to integrate the deployment of the real advantage resources in the next step.


January 29th,2016