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The Anniversary SKLNST Hall Displayed State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology from All Aspects

Post Time:2015-10-23 15:06  Clink Times:

In 2015, BUPT has gone through 60 years of the vicissitudes. On October 18, BUPT Anniversary Day, the alumni from every corner of the world gathered in BUPT to celebrate her 60th birthday. As one of the celebration Series event venues, the State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology (hereinafter referred to as: the lab) specially opened exhibition room to greet the alumni.

The exhibition adopts a diversified approach, and seeks to provide alumni with a number of perspectives in the lab. There exhibited not only laboratory history, scientific research, personnel training, such as text information, multi-functional demonstration screen also circulating the center of scientific research, such as exchange and Intelligent Research Center of the Sea of Clouds projects. In addition, the lab also specially exhibited the research center of Information Processing of Prof. Zhang Ping’s team over the years, through the site of the numerous mobile terminal equipment, will 3G, 4G, 5G truly present in front of the alumni.

From 10 o'clock in the morning onwards, the lab had been welcoming alumni, including young people, and nearly seventy-aged alumni. Alumni are very concerned about the lab's scientific research, and they sometimes ask their teachers’ recent situation, and sometimes care about the latest research developments in the lab. Hearing the laboratory in recent years, the fruitful results, the alumni expressed congratulations, took photos in the exhibition room, and expressed their good wish that the lab constantly would climb the high point of scientific research.

The seventh (2015) International University of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) forum convened, the opening of laboratories also attracted the participation of the Forum, including 30 presidents from 32 colleges and universities in 13 countries and regions from Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania. The presidents, accompanied by the deputy president of BUPT Ren Xiaomin, came to the lab to visit. Prof. Su Sen, assistant director of the lab, associate professor of director, Shuang Kai and Prof. Wang Ying, attended the reception. After detailed understanding of the laboratory's scientific research and exchanges, the presidents and three teachers have a positive interaction. Under the background of the era of mobile internet, the arrival of presidents plays an active role in improving the scientific research and international communication level of laboratories.

After the visit, the presidents took a photo with the lab leaders in the exhibition room.


October 23rd,2015