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发布时间:2019-03-18 00:00  出处:   浏览:
刊物类别 论文名称 作者 刊物(出版社名称)
国际期刊 Joint Resource Allocation for Software Defined Networking, Caching and Computing 陈清霞,于非, 黄韬,谢人超,刘江,刘韵洁 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
国际期刊 Multi-Attributes-Based Coflow Scheduling Without Prior Knowledge 汪硕、张娇、黄韬、潘恬、刘江、刘韵洁 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
国际期刊 Situation-aware IoT service coordination using the event-driven SOA paradigm 程渤,朱达,赵帅,陈俊亮 IEEE Transactions on Network and Service
国际期刊 A Survey of Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Software Defined Networking (SDN): Research Issues and Challenges 谢俊峰,于非,黄韬,谢人超,刘江,王晨梦,刘韵洁 IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials
国际期刊 Load Balancing in Data Center Networks: A Survey 张娇, F. Richard Yu,汪硕,刘增义,刘韵洁 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
国际期刊 Distributed Optimization of Collaborative Regions in Large-Scale Inhomogeneous Fog Computing 吕昕晨,任晨珊,倪伟,田辉,刘仁平 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications