题目: Introduction to Network Science for Communication Engineers
报告人: 陈光祯教授(台湾大学)
Network science has been shown great potential in diverse comprehension of Internet, data analytics, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics, molecular biology, social systems and science, and human behavior, since its birth in 1999. With social media dominating the Internet traffic and wide applications of Internet of Things (IoT), it is of great interests in understanding its applications to wireless networks and wireless communication systems. From basic random graphical analysis with the help of stochastic geometry, we will demonstrate examples applying the knowledge of network science to ad hoc networks, sensor networks, cognitive radio networks, wireless heterogeneous networks, and massive machine-to-machine communications.
Kwang-Cheng Chen received the B.S. from the National Taiwan University in 1983 and the M.S. and Ph.D from the University of Maryland in 1987 and 1989, all in electrical engineering. From 1987 to 1998, Dr. Chen worked with SSE, COMSAT, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, and National TsingHua University, in mobile communications and networks. Since 1998, Dr. Chen has been with National Taiwan University, and is the Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for academic affairs in the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National Taiwan University. Dr. Chen was with the STAG, Executive Yuan, to engineering Taiwan’s telecommunication deregulation and relevant international bi-lateral/multi-lateral negotiations, and to plan Taiwan’s telecommunication-media regulator from 1990’s to 2001. He founded INPROCOMM Inc. in 2001, which was acquired by MediaTek Inc. in 2004. He has been actively involving in the organization of various IEEE conferences as General/TPC chair/co-chair, serving editorships with a few IEEE journals, and various IEEE volunteer services with IEEE Fellow Committee, IEEE VTS Fellow Evaluation Committee, IEEE COMSOC Asia Pacific Board, Emerging Technology Committee, etc. Dr. Chen also actively participates in and has contributed essential technology to various international standards like IEEE 802 wireless LANs, Bluetooth, LTE (4G wireless communications) and LTE-A. He has near 250 publications in the IEEEXplore and more than 20 granted US patents that have been experienced by billions users worldwide. He co-edited (with R. DeMarca) the book Mobile WiMAX published by Wiley in 2008, and authored the book Principles of Communications published by River in 2009, and co-authored (with R. Prasad) another book Cognitive Radio Networks published by Wiley in 2009. Dr. Chen is an IEEE Fellow and has received a good number of awards including recent2011 IEEE COMSOC Wireless Communication Recognition Award, 2014 IEEE Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, 2014 IEEE COMSOC AP Outstanding Paper Award. Dr. Chen’s current research interests include wireless communications, network science, and data analytics.