应网络与交换技术国家重点实验室邀请,IBM Watson研究中心谭伟博士将于6月16日 (周四)来实验室交流并做学术讲座,欢迎有兴趣的师生踊跃参与。
讲座题目:Faster and Cheaper: Parallelizing Large-Scale Matrix Factorization on GPUs
主讲人:Dr. Wei Tan
时 间:2016年6月16日 (周四), 下午15:30-17:00
地 点:北邮科技大厦2层多功能厅C段
Matrix factorization (MF) is used by many popular algorithms, e.g., collaborative filtering. GPU with massive cores and high intra-chip memory bandwidth sheds light on accelerating MF much further when appropriately exploiting its architectural characteristics.
In this talk I will introduce cuMF, a CUDA-based matrix factorization library that optimizes alternate least square (ALS) method to solve very large-scale MF. CuMF uses a set of techniques to maximize the performance on single and multiple GPUs. These techniques include smart access of sparse data leveraging GPU memory hierarchy, using data parallelism in conjunction with model parallelism, minimizing the communication overhead among GPUs, and a novel topology-aware parallel reduction scheme.
With only a single machine with four Nvidia GPU cards, cuMF can be 6-10 times as fast, and 33-100 times as cost-efficient, compared with the state-of-art distributed CPU solutions. Moreover, this cuMF can solve the largest matrix factorization problem ever reported yet in current literature. We also use cuMF to accelerate the ALS implementation in Spark MLlib.
谭伟,清华大学自动化系工学博士,师从范玉顺教授。2008年至2010年在美国芝加哥大学和阿岗国家实验室任助理研究员(Research Associate Professional),2010年加入IBM T. J. Watson研究中心任研究员(Research Staff Member)。谭伟博士长期从事大数据、机器学习加速、网格计算、面向服务的计算、工作流技术等方面的研究,成果已经在学术界和商业软件领域得到广泛应用。谭伟博士已经在国际期刊和会议,包括IEEE Computer,IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering,IEEE Internet Computing,BMC Bioinformatics等知名杂志上发表论文七十余篇,并出版专著“Business and Scientific Workflows: A Web Service-Oriented Approach” (272 pages, Wiley-IEEE Press)。谭伟博士IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering的编委,IEEE高级会员,并任职于多个国际会议的程序委员会。其获得的奖项包括IEEE ccGrid (2016)最佳论文奖,IEEE International Conference on Web Services (2014) 最佳学生论文奖,IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (2011)最佳论文奖,美国阿岗国家实验室Pacesetter Award (2010), 以及美国国立卫生院颁发的 caBIG Teamwork Award (2008)。