讲座题目:Multiple plateau induced by inertia in the Kuramoto model
主 讲 人:纪鹏 博士
主持人:彭海朋 副教授
As a general governing equation of complex power grids, the second-order Kuramoto model has been very intensively investigated in the last few years, from the perspective of networked control, self-organized synchronization, to stability against even large perturbations. In this talk, I will show some of our recent results on the emergence of local synchronization, consisting of secondary synchronization, tertiary synchronization and so on termed with respect to their synchronization frequency, within the Kuramoto-desynchronization region in the globally coupled nonidentical oscillators. This surprising collective behavior is induced by inertia with the emergence of breathing forcing term. We interpret this phenomenon in the mean-field Kuramoto model and obtain the approximate analytical solutions for small oscillations, periodic rotations, and synchronization boundary by means of perturbation methods.
纪鹏,2015年在德国柏林洪堡大学获得博士学位(summa cum laude),导师欧洲科学院院士Jurgen Kurths教授,现在工作在德国波茨坦气候研究所。目前以第一作者或通讯作者在物理学综述期刊Physics Reports(影响因子24.5),物理学顶级期刊Physical Review Letters(影响因子7.5),Scientific Reports,Physical Review E,European Letter等期刊发表多篇SCI文章。