应网络与交换技术国家重点实验室宽带网研究中心邀请,香港理工大学Song GUO教授将于2016年12月13日访问北邮,并做学术讲座。欢迎感兴趣的师生踊跃参加。
讲座题目:Vehicle-Assisted Disaster Management
主讲人:Professor Song GUO(Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
In recent years, various natural and man-made disasters, such as earthquake, hurricane, terrorist attack and industry accident, cause loss of human life and interrupt essential public services, such as health care, electricity, water, transportation and communication. The damaged area can be out of contact because of severe damage of existing network infrastructure. Meanwhile, high demands for network connection to the disaster area will arise after disaster. To well plan and manage rescue activities after disasters, we need real-time information (e.g., damaged level, population distribution, and resource demands) about the damaged area. This talk will introduce our recent research results of vehicle-assisted disaster management for smart city. We propose to construct a dedicated network for disaster management using mobile stations that can be Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or vehicles refitted as Movable and Deployable ICT Resource Units (MDRUs). New algorithms are designed to address the challenges of vehicle scheduling and data transmission. Based on this vehicle-assisted network infrastructure, we develop a Resilient Information Management (RIM) system to enable efficient medical services and resource management after disasters.
Song Guo received his Ph.D. in computer science from University of Ottawa. He is currently a full professor at Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to joining PolyU, he was a full professor with the University of Aizu, Japan. His research interests are mainly in the areas of cloud and green computing, big data, wireless networks, and cyber-physical systems. He has published over 300 conference and journal papers in these areas and received multiple best paper awards from IEEE/ACM conferences. Dr. Guo has served as an editor of several journals, including IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, IEEE Communications Magazine, and Wireless Networks. He has been actively participating in international conferences as general chair and TPC chair. He is a senior member of IEEE, a senior member of ACM, and an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.