应网络与交换技术国家重点实验室邀请, IISER-Mohali, India的Sandeep K. Goyal将于2016年12月7日来校交流并做学术讲座,欢迎有兴趣的师生踊跃参与。
报告题目:Realization of arbitrary discrete unitary transformations using spatial and internal modes of light
主讲人:Sandeep K. Goyal
Any lossless transformation on n_s spatial and n_p internal modes of light can be described by an n_sn_p×n_sn_p unitary matrix, but there is no known procedure to effect an arbitrary n_sn_p×n_sn_p unitary matrix on light in ns spatial and n_p internal modes. We devise an algorithm to realize an arbitrary discrete unitary transformation on the combined spatial and internal degrees of freedom of light. Our realization uses beam splitters and operations on internal modes to effect arbitrary linear transformations. The number of beam splitters required to realize a unitary transformation is reduced as compared to existing realization by a factor n^2_p/2 at the cost of increasing the number of internal optical elements by a factor of 2. Our algorithm thus enables the optical implementation of higher dimensional unitary transformations.
Sandeep K. Goyal achieved his Ph.D. in the Institute of Mathematical Sciences worked on ‘Controlled Entanglement Dynamics in Open Quantum Systems’. He did two postdoctoral Fellows at University of KwaZulu-Natal and University of Calgary. Right now, he is an assistant professor at IISER-Mohali, India. His research area includes Optical implementation of quantum protocols, Quantum information and communication, Quantum memories, Quantum discord, Quantum optics, Quantum walks, Entanglement dynamics in many body systems in dissipative environment, Quantum key distribution. He has published many influential papers in Phys. Lett. L., Phys. Lett. B., New J. Phys., Phys. Let. A and so on.