报告题目: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform
报告时间:2019年9月12日(星期四) 11:00-12:00
"How to face the threat of natural disasters" is always an important research topic. Currently, the mainstream research of disaster management is how to accurately and promptly forecast and notify such as earthquake early warning, but since complete disaster prevention is impossible, we still have to focus on the rapid response after disasters. In addition, to gain insight into the real-time situation of the affected area, we need the two-way communication between affected area and outside world. However, once the network infrastructure suffers from disasters, connections can be interrupted and support cannot reach affected area. Moreover, it is difficult to reconstruct the communication line from scratch. In order to achieve a set of post-disaster two-way communication solutions not relying on traditional network infrastructure, we design a next generation disaster response platform. There are mainly three problems to solve in this platform. First, the connections among users near to each other. Second, the connections between users and access points (APs). Third, the connections between APs and access network to outside world. To figure out first problem, we are going to make use of Device-to-Device (D2D) emergency communication in gathering users within the range of 100+m. Then for the second one, we take advantage of the high mobility of UAVs in fast building the emergency network with the range of 1000+m. For the third one, to realize the connection to outside world, we apply lower power wide area network (LPWAN) to expand the range to 10000+m.
董冕雄:男、博士、日本国立室兰工业大学教授(是该校建校史上最年轻的正教授)、博导、校长助理、校研究 (Institutional Research) 办公室副主任。于日本公立会津大学分别获计算机理工学学士、硕士、博士学位;曾在美国西弗吉尼亚大学、加拿大滑铁卢大学、台湾大叶大学访问交流。主持日本学术振兴会(JSPS)面上项目、青年项目、日本KDDI财团项目、日本NEC C&C特别研究员项目等科研任务十余项。曾获得多项国际性奖励与荣誉: 2018年,因其对科学技术发展的突出贡献,以首位中国籍身份获日本文部科学省NISTEP奖(不区分学科领域,且当年全日本仅11人当选)、Examination System for Teachers's Activities (ESTA) 教学成果奖、船井研究奖;2017年获IEEE通信协会亚非地区第12届青年学者奖、IEEE SCSTC 杰出青年学者奖、IET Communications Premium Award奖;2016年获IEEE TCSC Early Career Award奖。曾担任IEEE ComSoc亚太地区信息服务委员会副主席,IEEE ICC大会Leading Symposium Chair (2019),IEEE GLOBECOM大会的Symposium Chair (2016&2017),以及IEEE Vehicular Technology Society协会理事和学生奖学金评审委员会主席。2019年开始担任加拿大NSERC Discovery Grant的外部评审员。目前还担任2个Q1区期刊IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials和IEEE Network的编委以及10多个Q2区期刊如IEEE Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), IEEE Systems Journal, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, IEEE ACCESS等的首席客座编委。同时,他还是在10 多个国际顶级学术会议与研讨会的TPC成员,包括CCF A类会议如IJCAI,AAAI和CCF B类会议如ICDCS等。目前主要从事云/边缘计算、5G物联网、大数据科学及人工智能等方面的研究。共计发表学术论文260余篇,其中50%发表在JSAC、TIFS、TPDS、TETC、TNSM、TCC、TSC等IEEE/ACM顶尖国际期刊和INFOCOM、GLOBECOM、ICC等IEEE计算机协会、通信协会、车辆技术协会、信号处理协会的旗舰会议上。近5年,入选ESI热点论文(前0.1%)6篇,ESI高被引论文(前1%)15篇,获知名国际会议最佳论文奖12项。