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学术讲座通知:Topic Derivation in Twitter

发布时间:2018-04-17 09:51  出处:   浏览:

    应网络与交换技术国家重点实验室网络服务研究中心邀请,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学Jian Yang教授将于2018年4月19日(星期四)来北京邮电大学作学术报告。欢迎校内广大师生踊跃参加。

    报告题目:Topic Derivation in Twitter
    报告人:Jian Yang, 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学教授


    As one of the most popular social media, Twitter has attracted interests of business and academics to derive topics and apply the outcomes in a wide range of applications such as emergency management, business advertisements, and corporate/government communication. Since tweets are short messages, topic derivation from tweets becomes a big challenge in the area. Most of existing works use the Twitter content as the only source in the topic derivation. Recently, tweet interactions have been considered additionally for improving the quality of topic derivation.

    In this talk, we introduce a method that incorporates social interactions such as mention, retweet, etc into twitter content to derive topics. Experimental results show that the proposed method with the inclusion of temporal features results in a significant improvement in the quality of topic derivation comparing to existing baseline methods.

    In this talk, we will explain the general idea of Matrix Factorisation and how it is applied in topic derivation, the experiment set up, and experiment results analysis.

    Biographical Information:

    Dr. Jian Yang is a full professor at Department of Computing, Macquarie University. She received her PhD in the area of data interation from The Australian National University in 1995. Before she joined Macquarie University, she worked as an associate professor at Tilburg University, Netherlands (2000-2003), a senior research scientist at the Division of Mathematical and Information Science, CSIRO, Australia (1998-2000), and as an assistant professor at Dept of Computer Science, The Australian Defence Force Academy, University of New South Wales (1993-1998).
    Dr. Yang has published over 200 papers in the international journals and conferences such as IEEE transactions, ACM transactions,Information Systems, Data & Knowledge Engineering, CACM, VLDB, ICDE,ICDCS, ICSOC, CAiSE, CoopIS, CIKM, etc. She is the member of steering committee of the prime international conference on service oriented computing (ICSOC). She has been general chair and program committee chair of several international conferences such as ICSOC, BPM. She has served as program committee member in various international conferences such as: ICDE, CAiSE, ICSOC, ER, CoopIS, ICSOC, BPM, ICWS, SCC, WISE, etc. She is also a regular reviewer for journals such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, Data & Knowledge Engineering, VLDB Journal, IEEE Internet Computing, etc.
    Her main research interests are: web service technology; business process management; social network based data analysis; interoperability, trust and security issues in internet.