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发布时间:2017-06-22 00:00  出处:   浏览:
刊物类别 论文名称 作者 刊物(出版社名称)
国际期刊 Social-aware energy harvesting device-todevice communications in 5G networks 蒋丽,田辉,邢子,王堃,张可,S. Maharjan, S. Gjessing,张岩 IEEE Wireless Communications
国外期刊 Software Defined Networking, Caching, and Computing for Green Wireless Networks 霍如, F.R. Yu,黄韬,谢人超,刘江, Victor C.M. Leung,刘韵洁 IEEE Communications Magazine
国外期刊 Situation-aware IoT service coordination using the event-driven SOA paradigm 程渤,朱达,赵帅,陈俊亮 IEEE Transactions on Network and Service
国外期刊 Energy-Minimized Multipath Video Transport to Mobile Devices in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 吴冀衍; Chau Yuen; ; 程渤 ; 王
明; 陈俊亮
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
国外期刊 Semi-device-independent randomness expansion with partially free random sources using 3 → 1 quantum random access code 周玉倩,高飞,李丹丹,李新
Physical Review A
国外期刊 Effects of measurement dependence on generalized Clauser-Horne-ShimonyHolt Bell test in the single-run and
multiple-run scenarios
Physical Review A
国外期刊 Classification of locally distinguishable and indistinguishable sets of maximally entangled states 田国敬,郁司夏,高飞,温巧燕  
国外期刊 Quantum nonlocality of multipartite orthogonal product states 徐光宝,温巧燕,秦素娟,杨
Physical Review A
国外期刊 Local indistinguishability of orthogonal product states 张志超,高飞,曹雅,秦素娟,温巧燕 Physical Review A
国外期刊 All the self-testings of the singlet for two binary measurements 王玉坤,邬兴尧, V.Scarani New Journal of Physics