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学术讲座通知:IoT and Blockchain: Technologies, Challenges, and Applications

发布时间:2019-09-06 18:27  出处:   浏览:

    报告题目:IoT and Blockchain: Technologies, Challenges, and Applications

    报告人:Renping Liu教授






The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to transform our lives and unleash enormous economic benefit. In this talk, we discuss a wide range of IoT technologies and their applications, as well as the security and trust implications. Blockchain, a distributed ledger, was initially designed as a secure financial transaction tool. Remarkably, its cryptographic security benefits, such as user anonymity, decentralization, fault tolerance, transaction integrity and authentication, can be used to resolve security and trust issues of IoT.

In UTS, we are working with industry to develop next generation IoT and Blockchain technologies to achieve real time tracking and monitoring from production plants through export supply chains to overseas markets. A Blockchain enabled data platform has been developed to secure IoT data records, enable transparent and trusted data sharing. Smart contracts are developed to manage and automate commercial transactions following the commodity flows.
In this talk, we will discuss the benefits, limitations, and challenges of IoT and Blockchain. I will present some of our latest project results in IoT and Blockchain applications.



Ren Ping Liu is a Professor and Head of Discipline of Network and Cybersecurity in the School of Electrical and Data Engineering at University of Technology Sydney. He was also the co-founder and CTO of Ultimo Digital Technologies, developing IoT and Blockchain. Prior to that he was a Principal Scientist and Research Leader at CSIRO, where he led wireless networking research activities. Professor Liu was the winner of Australian Engineering Innovation Award and CSIRO Chairman’s medal. He specialises in protocol design and modelling and has delivered networking solutions to a number of government agencies and industry customers. His research interests include 5G, VANET, IoT, cybersecurity,and Blockchain. He has over 150 research publications and has supervised over 30 PhD students.

Professor Liu was the founding chair of IEEE NSW VTS Chapter and a Senior Member of IEEE. He served as Technical Program Committee chairs, Organising Committee chairs, and delivered keynote speeches in a number of IEEE Conferences and industry forums.