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学术讲座通知: Secure or Not Secure? How Cryptography can be used against you

发布时间:2019-10-25 18:32  出处:   浏览:
      报告题目:Secure or Not Secure? How Cryptography can be used against you
      报告人:Aniello Castiglione教授
      报告时间:2019年10月31日(星期四) 8:30—10:00
     Energy consumption and the associated greenhouse gas emissions are becoming major issues in the modern  industrial  society. Currently, high performance network infrastructures (routers, switches, optical amplifiers, etc.) have reached huge bandwidth capacity but  their development has not been compensated at the same rate as for their energy consumption. Analogously, the ever-increasing data volumes (Big Data) to be processed, stored, and accessed every day in modern datacenters result in an energy demand growing a faster and faster pace. It is well-known that the power and cooling infrastructure of datacenters waste lot of energy. The same issues  also arise on additional contexts, such as wireless sensor networks, IoT, mobile equipment and so on. In this talk he will introduce a new family of security threats that can affect almost all the above-mentioned actors in the  actual ICT environment (i.e, datacenter infrastructures, network infrastructures, mobile equipment, IoT, wireless sensor networks).
     For some of those contexts, we studied different kind of attacks and modelled their behaviour when under attack in order to record the response of each device and measuretheir power consumption. Those threats act by exploiting the computational and operational resources of their component in order to waste as much energy as possible. The direct consequence of those threats is, of course, the increased costs in the energy bill. In addition, in some countries this can also lead to the penalization for exceeding the agreed quantity of greenhouse gases emissions, or, even worst, to a complete DoS (Denial of Service) caused by electrical outages due to power budget exhaustion. This represents, from one side, an enormous financial burden on industry/people and, on the other side, is a significant public environmental issue. The talk will provide some ideas on how to mitigate such kind of threats and, at the same time, on how to preventthem on a large scale basis. In fact, Cryptography is usually considered the solution of all Security problems but if not properly used can introduce additional threats and can cost more than the value of the protected goods.
    Aniello Castiglione received the Master Degree in Computer Science from the University of Salerno (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Alfredo De Santis and Prof. Giuseppe Persiano. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the same University under the supervision of Prof. Alfredo De Santis. He is currently tenured as Associate Professor at the University of Naples “Parthenope” (Department of Science and Technology), Italy. Previously he was Adjunct Professor at the University of Salerno, Italy and at the University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy. He received two Italian national qualification as an Associate Professor of Computer Science. He published more than 210 papers in international journals and conferences. Considering his journal papers, more than 70 of them are ranked Q1 in Scopus/Scimago classification and more than 50 of them are ranked Q1 in the Clarivate Analytics/ISI-WoS classification.
    On Google Scholar he has 3433 citations and H-index 32. On Scopus he has 2412 citations and his H-index is 28.
The international academic profile of Dr. Castiglione is spread among his 86 international co-authors who belong to 75 different institutions located in 20 countries. He served in the organization (mainly as Program Chair and a TPC member) in around 240 international conferences (some of them are ranked A+/A/A- in the CORE, LiveSHINE and Microsoft Academic international classifications). In 2014, one of his paper (published on the IEEE TDSC) has been selected as the Featured Article in the IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative. In 2018, another paper (published on the IEEE Cloud Computing) has been selected as the Featured Article in the IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative. He served as a reviewer for around 120 international journals and was the managing editor of two ISI-ranked international journals.
     He acted as a Guest Editor in around 25 special issues, including Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier), Information Sciences (Elsevier), Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier), Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Elsevier), Computers & Security (Elsevier), Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley), IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Access and serves/served as an Editor in around 15 Editorial Boards of international journals. His current research interests include Information Forensics, Digital Forensics, Security and Privacy on Cloud, Communication Networks, Applied Cryptography, and Sustainable Computing.