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学术讲座通知:Teaching Computers to speak and Listen

发布时间:2016-10-15 11:19  出处:   浏览:

应网络与交换技术国家重点实验室邀请,佐治亚理工大学的Chin-Hui Lee教授将于2016年10月22日来校交流并做学术讲座,欢迎有兴趣的师生踊跃参与。

讲座题目Teaching Computers to speak and Listen

主讲人:Prof. Chin-Hui Lee Georgia Institute of Technology





In this lecture we will go over the wonderful journey of developing machines to listen and speak, and illustrate their current capabilities and limitations. It is clear speech and language research is still needed to advance today’s technologies so we can realize some of the promises issued in science fictions for computers to be collaborative voice communications to help human beings solving problems. Based on recent advances in speech technologies, we can imagine that there will be plenty of the future collaborative speech services, including computer assisted language learning, spoken language translation, speech behavior analysis and therapy for patients with neurological disorders, and speech data mining of audio archives.


Chin-Hui Lee is a professor at School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Lee received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, in 1973, the M.S. degree in Engineering and Applied Science from Yale University, New Haven, in 1977, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Statistics from University of Washington, Seattle, in 1981. Dr. Lee is a Fellow of the IEEE and ISCA, and has published 450 papers and 30 patents with more than 29,000 citations and an h index of 65 on Google Scholar.  He received the SPS Senior Award in 1994 and the SPS Best Paper Award in 1997 and 1999, respectively.  In 1997, he was awarded the prestigious Bell Labs President’s Gold Award for his contributions to the Lucent Speech Processing Solutions product. Dr. Lee often gives seminal lectures to a wide international audience. In 2000, he was named one of the six Distinguished Lecturers by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He was also named one of the two ISCA’s inaugural Distinguished Lecturers in 2007-2008. He won the SPS’s 2006 Technical Achievement Award for “Exceptional Contributions to the Field of Automatic Speech Recognition”. In 2012 he was invited by ICASSP to give a plenary talk on the future of automatic speech recognition. He was awarded the 2012 ISCA Medal in scientific achievement for “pioneering and seminal contributions to the principles and practice of automatic speech and speaker recognition, including fundamental innovations in adaptive learning, discriminative training and utterance verification”.

