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发布时间:2016-09-27 09:46  出处:   浏览:



应网络与交换技术国家重点实验室邀请悉尼科技大学计算与通信学院院长Eryk Dutkiewicz教授及Ren Ping Liu教授将于929日(周四)来北京邮电大学做学术报告。欢迎广大师生踊跃参加。


报告题目5G Spectrum Sharing Research at University of Technology Sydney

报告人:Professor Eryk Dutkiewicz(School of Computing and CommunicationsUniversity of Technology Sydney)





5G research at University of Technology Sydney covers a wide range of activities including research into antennas, signal processing, networking and devices. In this presentation we give an overview of these activities and then focus on spectrum sharing research for 5G. The high demand for wireless Internet is putting extreme pressure on better utilisation of the available radio spectrum. The expected spectrum “famine” requires highly efficient radio resource management schemes with low complexity and high responsiveness to the changing network conditions. Spectrum sharing is regarded as an essential approach to regaining access to otherwise unused spectrum and it is considered an essential component in the development of 5G networks. Spectrum Sharing can be conducted at different time scales. Due to a potentially high cost of setting up the necessary infrastructure, initially the use of Spectrum Sharing may only be attractive to network operators over long time scales of months or years. This approach is currently taken in standards development activities as exemplified by the emergence of the Leased Spectrum Access concept. As the time scale of the operation of Spectrum Sharing decreases, the possibility for utilising more available spectrum holes increases. However, the shorter time scale brings with it challenges. Efficient decisions regarding the use of Spectrum Sharing require accurate knowledge of the spatial and temporal spectrum use in a geographical area of interest. This knowledge can be represented in Radio Environmental Maps (REMs) which need to be generated efficiently and accurately. As the deployment of Spectrum Sharing evolves from longer to shorter time scales of operation, an important design consideration is how to achieve this evolution in a seamless manner. In this presentation we give an overview of the Spectrum Sharing concept and its emergence in standards activities.


报告题目二:Writing for Journal Publication 《期刊文章写作要领》

报告人:Professor Ren Ping Liu (School of Computing and Communications, University of Technology Sydney)





We will discuss the purpose of publishing, and then dig into the essential aspects of technical writing. These include how to organise your work into publications: where to start with your writing, the basic structure of an good paper, and what to write in each component of a journal paper. I will also discuss technical writing style, differentiate between good and bad papers, and share some tips on what to do and what to avoid in technical writing. Finally, I will share some practical journal paper submission, revision, and publishing experiences.



