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学术讲座通知:Leveraging NFV Orchestrator to Achieve Software-Defined Access Control

发布时间:2017-12-05 10:14  出处:   浏览:



    讲座题目:Leveraging NFV Orchestrator to Achieve Software-Defined Access Control



    时   间:2017年12月7日 上午10:00-12:00

    地   点:新科研楼1209



    Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) has been increasingly recognized by academics, practitioners, and service providers as an efficient approach to reducing CAPEX and OPEX by pooling and consolidating various network equipment types, e.g., NAT, firewall, IDS, DNS, onto industry standard high volume servers, switches and storage using virtualization technologies. However, security in NFV remains unclear and seriously impedes its further development and deployment. In this talk, we first briefly discuss security issues in NFV, with an objective to examining how the landscape ofCyberdefensecan be significantly reshaped. We then specifically present a security orchestrator, which showcases how access control can be implemented together with NFV orchestrator for securely managing the cloud infrastructure assets. The lessons learned and our ongoing work will be finally discussed.


    张宗华,法国矿业与电信研究院(InstitutMines-Télécom)副教授,法国国家科学院(CNRS SMOVARLab)研究员,巴黎萨克雷大学(Universityof Paris-Saclay)博士生导师。曾全职在日本国立信息与通信研究所(NICT),法国国家计算机与自动化研究院(INRIA),及加拿大滑铁卢大学从事科研工作。主要研究方向为异常行为检测,网络取证及根因性分析,安全体系结构与安全管理、信任与信誉管理,安全协议等。于巴黎六大(UPMC)获得博导资格,日本先端科学技术大学院大学(JAIST)获得博士学位,西安电子科技大学获得硕士与本科学位。参与或主持十余项国家级科研项目(如法国ANR,日本JSPS等),国际组织间合作项目(如欧盟日本联合项目,法国爱尔兰交流项目等)以及工业界横向项目(如法国电信委托项目)。迄今已发表七十余篇学术论文,参与组织国际学术会议十余次,曾任会议主席,程序委员会主席,宣传主席,杂志客座编委等学术职务,现担任四个国际期刊编委 。作为IMT网络空间安全研究方向指导委员会委员,创建并负责IMT里尔工程师分校网络性能与安全研究小组(NEPS),同时负责并主讲该校四门网络空间安全专业课程,是网络空间安全硕士点联合创建人。